This is the title of new upcoming movie. Producers of this movie ensured, that the title would be as
'R G Varma' instead of 'Ram Gopal Varma' as it might lead to controversies in the industry, but the tag line of the movie is 'Neno Psychoni' meaning 'I am a Psycho'
'R G Varma' instead of 'Ram Gopal Varma' as it might lead to controversies in the industry, but the tag line of the movie is 'Neno Psychoni' meaning 'I am a Psycho'
This movie is produced by 'Chandvolu Shobarani' who has been a member of the 'Censor Board'.
The motto of this movie 'My name is R.G. Varma and I am Psycho' is to Criticize his recent
like 'Deyyam', 'Phoonk' etc which has a negative impact on the society.
like 'Deyyam', 'Phoonk' etc which has a negative impact on the society.
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